We are delighted to publish five new testimonial videos showcasing five companies’ natural capital journeys.
Businesses that understand the true value of nature can benefit from improved risk management, new business opportunities, improved communication with investors, enhanced stakeholder engagement and anticipation of future legislation.
We Value Nature interviewed individuals from five companies who have been driving change in their organization. Interviewees were asked how they started their natural capital journey, what processes and tools they used, what they had planned for the future and what recommendations they would share with other individuals and businesses on their natural capital journey.
We worked with filmmaker Àngel Amargant and consultant Jordi Pietx to produce short summary videos for each company involved. These videos are available below and on our YouTube page.
Vattenfall is a European energy company with approximately 20,000 employees. For more than 100 years it has electrified industries and supplied energy to people’s homes. Vattenfall’s goal is to enable fossil free living within one generation. We Value Nature spoke with Helle Herk-Hansen, Vice-president Environment and Thomas Olsson, Senior Environmental Advisor and Karolina Carlström. The Vattenfall team discussed natural capital journey, including measuring biodiversity impacts and why a natural capital approach is essential for long-term profitability.
METRO is a leading food wholesaler which operates across 34 countries. In 2015 Metro conducted sustainability accounting to compare their traditional business model of cash and carry with a food service distribution model. They followed up in 2018 with a study to measure the social, ecological and economic impact of their business model. We Value Nature spoke with Veronika Pountcheva, Global Director – CSR, on METRO’s natural capital journey and how to have conversations about natural capital with different people in your organization.
Verstegen Spices & Sauces
Verstegen Spices & Sauces is a family-owned business. They are using blockchain technology to let end users experience where products come from and geodata to help farmers optimize their production. Marianne Van Keep, Chief Sustainability Officer, and Tom Kools, Project Manager Agroforestry & Sustanability, talked about their sustainability approach and integrating their sustainability approach with marketing, procurement and sales.
ASN Bank
ASN Bank is the largest and oldest sustainable bank for consumers in the Netherlands. ASN Bank focuses on consumer banking and socially responsible and sustainable investments. Roel Nozeman, Senior Advisor Biodiversity, spoke with We Value Nature on how ASN Bank measure investments for sustainability and for their impacts on biodiversity. Roel Nozeman explains how ASN Bank rely on nature and why valuing nature makes business sense.
SeaExpert is a fisheries services and consultancy company that was created to support artisanal fishing in the Azores Islands and quickly extended its activities across the Atlantic Ocean. SeaExpert supply seaweed for the cosmetic and biotech industries and for animal feed scientific research. SeaExpert General manager Henrique Ramon talked to We Value Nature about SeaExpert’s sustainability approach and the importance of measuring and reporting on your impact on nature.