Infographic to show the review process of the drivers of environmental change, the state of natural capital assets in the relevant region and links to ecosystem service provision, leading to newly uncovered risk.
Possible analysis of drivers of environmental change and their impact on credit quality

Possible analysis of drivers of environmental change and their impact on credit quality
Suggested attribution:
Possible analysis of drivers of environmental change and their impact on credit quality by Natural Capital Finance Alliance and UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre sourced from We Value Nature and licensed under Copyright free .
You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
Natural Capital Finance Alliance and UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Infographic to show the review process of the drivers of environmental change, the state of natural capital assets in the relevant region and links to ecosystem service provision, leading to newly uncovered risk.
Natural Capital Finance Alliance and UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Natural Capital Finance Alliance, UNEP Finance Initiative, Global Canopy, UN Environment WCMC
Copyright free